Monday, April 30, 2012

Grinds making strides in MLB

Grinds in the Boston Red Sox Locker Room during Spring Training
Though the season is young, it hasn't taken long for Grinds to start having a big impact in locker rooms across the country in Major and Minor League Baseball. During Spring Training, Grinds was able to meet with all 30 MLB organizations. For some, it was a chance to re-supply their Grinds stock; for others, it was a chance to discover the product for the first time. For all, it was a busy March and April with a lot of great developments taking place. Grinds was a hit in locker rooms around the country and even up in Canada with MLB's lone Canadian representative, the Toronto Blue Jays. The great response from players has allowed for increaed marketing efforts and opportunities in the US and abroad. These developments should lead to a number of awesome developments for players and customers including the much anticipated new flavors later this year. Be sure to keep an eye our updates both on our website and our respective Twitter and Facebook pages. We're looking to keep Grinding on in 2012!


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