Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grinds to appear on Shark Tank!

That's right: Grinds will be appearing on an episode of the hit TV show Shark Tank on ABC Friday, February 8th, at 9pm! We have been waiting for months hoping our episode would air and last week we finally received a call from ABC sharing the good news. For months we have been waiting patiently for a chance to share our story and let the world see how we did with the sharks. Did we sink? Did we swim? We can't reveal much information just yet so you'll just have to tune in next Friday to see what happened when the sharks finally sank their teeth into Grinds! Be sure to check back here for some more info in a couple weeks. Thanks!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year from Grinds!

We hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season! It's time to start grinding it out in 2013. We have a lot of exciting plans for the new year that will benefit our awesome customers and followers while also spreading the Grinds name into new parts of world. Additional flavors, increased distribution, and all-new Grinds gear are on tap for 2013 along with a couple surprises we think everyone will get a kick out of. Keep up with all the Grinds news and updates on the Grinds Facebook  page. We love making a great product for great people and we are working hard to reward all of our supporters over the years. YOU are the reason we'll be grinding it out in 2013 to make it our most exciting year yet!  

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Grinds featured in Cal Poly Magazine

Be sure to check out our most recent feature in the Fall 2012 Cal Poly SLO Magazine (our Alma mater). A big thanks goes out to Jo Ann Lloyd for writing the piece and seeing Grinds as a worthy story for the magazine. You can read the article in it's entirety here. By now, we are sure a lot of you know our story but this article does a great job of detailing how the product and company were first conceived-- be sure to check out the quote about the role free pizza played!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Grinds on ESPN Chicago!

Grinds was recently featured on ESPN Chicago. Amongst other topics, the story shared the path that lead to the products inception, the players that have embraced it throughout the league, and specific quotes from some of the Chicago Cubs and White Sox players. The article can be viewed here. A big thanks goes out to Sahadev Sharma of ESPN Chicago for writing such a great piece.


Monday, April 30, 2012

Grinds making strides in MLB

Grinds in the Boston Red Sox Locker Room during Spring Training
Though the season is young, it hasn't taken long for Grinds to start having a big impact in locker rooms across the country in Major and Minor League Baseball. During Spring Training, Grinds was able to meet with all 30 MLB organizations. For some, it was a chance to re-supply their Grinds stock; for others, it was a chance to discover the product for the first time. For all, it was a busy March and April with a lot of great developments taking place. Grinds was a hit in locker rooms around the country and even up in Canada with MLB's lone Canadian representative, the Toronto Blue Jays. The great response from players has allowed for increaed marketing efforts and opportunities in the US and abroad. These developments should lead to a number of awesome developments for players and customers including the much anticipated new flavors later this year. Be sure to keep an eye our updates both on our website and our respective Twitter and Facebook pages. We're looking to keep Grinding on in 2012!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Back in the Desert for Spring Traning

The first game Grinds TV spots will be running
Grinds recently arrived in Arizona for this year's Spring Training for the 3rd straight year to meet with players, coaches, and MLB personnel. The company will be setting up shop here in the desert for the entire month of March and will also be making their 2nd annual trip to Florida to catch some Grapefruit League Spring Training action. The month should be a busy one as the company looks to meet with members of all 30 MLB teams in just 31 days. Fully stocked with product and apparel, the company is looking to gain as much exposure as possible as they travel highways and sports complexes of Arizona and Florida to increase awareness and replenish Grinds stock with numerous players and teams. Be sure to check back all month long for updates reagarding any and all exciting news surrounding the company and product as well for information about a big promotion planned later this month.


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Big Things Planned for 2012

Now that we are almost a full month into the new year, we thought we would share preview of things to come for Grinds in 2012. For starters, we are planning to introduce 2 new flavors in the coming months along with expanding our distribution reach in stores. This means you'll be able to find our product (and more of it) in a store near you. We will again be spending the month of March in Arizona and Florida grinding it out for Spring Training meeting with players, coaches, and trainers from Major League Baseball. We also will be expanding our advertising reach with campaigns running during Spring Training with Chicago Cubs and White Sox along with the Oakland A's and San Francisco Giants. Be sure to look for us during Spring Training as we will be giving out free product all month long!
